币圈英文气氛文案 朋友圈文案文艺范英文







唯美英文文案 适合发朋友圈的英文短句

1、 Let life be beautiful like summer flowers,death like autumn leaves。愿生如夏花般绚烂,死如秋叶般静美。

2、 When your opponent is the mountain,you mist be the sea。当对手是大山,你必须成为大海。

3、 We should never allow our fears or the expectations of others to set the frontiers of our destiny。 Your destiny can’t be changed but, it can be challenged。我们绝不应该让恐惧或别人的期望划定我们命运的边界。你无法改变你的命运,但你可以挑战它。

4、 If you shed tears, first wet is my heart。你若流泪,先湿的是我的心。

5、 I do not know where to go ,but I have been on the road。我不知道去哪里,但我一直在路上。

6、 Time can heal a broken heart, but time can also break a waiting heart。时间可以治愈一颗受伤的心,同样也可以撕裂一颗等待的心。

7、 For something,we can’t understand when we are young but by the time we understand,we are no longer young。有些事情,当我们年轻的时候无法懂得,当我们懂得的时候已不再年轻。

8、 Some people feel the rain。 Others just get wet.有些人能感受雨,而其他人则只是被淋湿。

9、 So next time I will use up don’t know how many days of warm hug you。等下次再见,我会用积攒了不知道多少天的温暖拥抱你。

10、 If you’re afraid to fail then you’re probably going to fail。如果你害怕失败,那意味着你已经输了。

11、 I envy those who can sleep with a pillow; and those who didn’t go back to let go。也羡慕那些一沾着枕头就能安睡,和那些决心放手之后就不再回头的人。

12、 High cold to strangers, is to see the idiot brother, is to love the naive people。高冷是给陌生人看的,**是给兄弟看的,幼稚是给喜欢的人看的。

币圈英文气氛文案 朋友圈文案文艺范英文



1.Liwe a good life meet slomy(好好生活慢慢相遇)

2.Ihope youre here for me(我希望你为我而来)

3.Want to give you a hug,let the world know.(想给你一个拥抱币圈英文气氛文案,让全世界都知道。)

4.The world is suidernly late the mountains rivers sre slready autum(人间忽晚币圈英文气氛文案,山河已秋。)

5.cross the stars and the moon to meet yourself better跨过星河迈过月亮去迎接更好的自己

6.you are backit with all the good things in this world.(你逆光而来配得上这世间所有的好)

7.One day,we donlt have to say goodoye,just say good night.总有一天,我们不用再说再见,只需道句晚安

8.I want to say good night to the worid.you happen to be the world.想对全世界说晚安,恰好你就是全世界

9.Im dark all over,and I always want to give sunshine to others.自己满身阴暗,还总想给别人阳光

10.Around the galaxy,there are no brighter stars than you.(环游遍了整个星系,找不到比你更亮的星星)

11.Its better to make methylethylpropanedine in Qing Dynasty.(不如两清,做甲乙丙丁。)

12.The weather suddenly cools,so its time to turn the story.(天气突然变凉,故事也该翻篇了。)

13.Dont deny yourself,you are very kind,very gentle,especially worthwhile.(别否定自己,你特别好,特别温柔,特别值得。)

14.Around the galaxy,there are no brighter stars than you.(环游遍了整个星系,找不到比你更亮的星星)

15.The first one out of the big wind came home with me(外面风大,和我回家)

16.The fifth leter may be time to just your eyes smiling.(可能时间刚好,你眼角带笑)


18.Born a layman,like money and moved.生而俗人,喜欢金钱和感动。

19.Born sensitive,lonely and happy.生而敏感,孤独而快乐。

20.Love is the most difficult thing in the world世间万物,爱最难缠。

21.May you be faithful to yoursel,ive eamesty and lsugh freel(愿你忠于自己,活的认真,笑的放肆)

22.Ihope youre here for me.(我希望你是为我而来)

23.you cant stop yourself from being vulgar,but you canlt be romantic.无法阻止自己落俗,但浪漫不死。

24.Its just that after being alone for a long time.I dont want to care about anything else只是孤独久了,就不想在乎别的事情了。

25.The first one out of the big wind came home vwith me.(外面风大,和我回家)

26.The twentieth meeting you used to spend al my uck.(遇见你花光了我所有的运气) ;





1、Liwe a good life meet slomy.好好生活慢慢相遇。

2、Ihope youre here for me.我希望你为我而来。

3、Want to give you a hug,let the world know.想给你一个拥抱,让全世界都知道。

4、The world is suidernly late the mountains rivers sre slready autum.人间忽晚,山河已秋。

5、cross the stars and the moon to meet yourself better跨过星河迈过月亮去迎接更好的自己

6、you are backit with all the good things in this world.你逆光而来配得上这世间所有的好。

7、One day,we donlt have to say goodoye,just say good night.总有一天,我们不用再说再见,只需道句晚安。

8、I want to say good night to the worid.you happen to be the world.想对全世界说晚安,恰好你就是全世界。

8. Remember my good, or remember me


9. Im always following behind you


10. At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet


11. For the rest of my life to love you


12. Memory is a wonderful thing if you dont have to deal with the past


13. Some of us think holding on makes us strong but sometimes it is letting go


14. Some people have been very lucky to meet you


15、The first one out of the big wind came home with me.外面风大,和我回家。

16、The fifth leter may be time to just your eyes smiling.可能时间刚好,你眼角带笑。


18、Born a layman,like money and moved.生而俗人,喜欢金钱和感动。

19、Born sensitive,lonely and happy.生而敏感,孤独而快乐。

20、Love is the most difficult thing in the world世间万物,爱最难缠。

21、May you be faithful to yoursel,ive eamesty and lsugh freel.愿你忠于自己,活的认真,笑的放肆。

22、Ihope youre here for me.我希望你是为我而来。

23、you cant stop yourself from being vulgar,but you canlt be romantic.无法阻止自己落俗,但浪漫不死。

24、Its just that after being alone for a long time.I dont want to care about anything else只是孤独久了,就不想在乎别的事情了。

25、The first one out of the big wind came home vwith me.外面风大,和我回家。

26、The twentieth meeting you used to spend al my uck.遇见你花光了我所有的`运气。


1、Love makes man grow up or sink down.


2、Happiness is to find someone who can give you warm and share your life together.


3、I acted like it wasn’t a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart.


4、Sometimes I miss you so much that I can hardly stand it.


5、You’re not making me jealous. You’re making me wonder what I saw you in the first place.


6、If you fall in love with your Mr. Right, every day is like Valentine’s Day.


7、Sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears.


8、Love is not a matter of counting the days. It’s making the days count.


9、It takes three seconds to say “I love you”, three hours to explain it, and a lifetime to prove it.


10、Sometimes when you think the sky is about to fall down, you might be standing tilted!


11、Often likes a person, does not need any reason; Don’t like a person, but have a lot of excuses!


12、When you really love something when you will find language how fragile and limp. Text and feeling always have the estrangement.


13、The strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone.


14、I am not addicted to text. I am addicted to who I am texting.


15、It’s easy to forget things you want to remember. It’s hard to forget things you don’t want to remember.生活中很奇怪的是,你很容易忘记你想记得的事情,却不容易忘记你想忘掉的事情。

16、When I’m with you, time stands still.


17、When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better hold and cherish the one you love.


18、If someone hurts you, please continue good good, to enjoy life, hurt the same. One day, that person will be sorry to miss you.


19、If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy.


20、If you do not leave, I will in life and death.


朋友圈好听的英文文案 朋友圈优美的英文文案推荐

1、Liwe a good life meet slomy(好好生活慢慢相遇)

2、Ihope youre here for me(我希望你为我而来)

3、Want to give you a hug,let the world know.(想给你一个拥抱,让全世界都知道。)

4、The world is suidernly late the mountains rivers sre slready autum(人间忽晚,山河已秋。)

5、cross the stars and the moon to meet yourself better跨过星河迈过月亮去迎接更好的自己

6、you are backit with all the good things in this world.(你逆光而来配得上这世间所有的好)

7、One day,we donlt have to say goodoye,just say good night.总有一天,我们不用再说再见,只需道句晚安

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